Download Adobe Photoshop gratis herunder

Vil du gerne være en mester i professionel billedredigering? Så kan du overveje at købe Adobe Photoshop! Man kan også tilmelde sig en gratis prøveperiode. Programmet er på dansk.

Adobe Photoshop er det mest foretrukne billedredigeringsprogram i verden, og det er der ganske god grund til. For det første, så er der stort set ingenting, som ikke kan lade sig gøre med Adobe Photoshop.

Med så mange funktioner og værktøjer er man kun begrænset af sin egen fantasi, når man skal lave billedredigering. For det andet, så er Adobe Photoshop forholdsvis let at sætte sig ind i, men hvis man ønsker at lave avancerede billedredigeringer, så kræver dette også træning og tålmodighed. Det vil altså sige, at uanset om man er amatør eller professionel, så kan man få stor glæde af Adobe Photoshop.

Hvad kan Adobe Photoshop?

Photoshop er et redskab, der hjælper både den professionelle fotograf og amatøren til at skabe de billeder man ønsker.

Hvis man ønsker mere fremhævede farver og elementer i sine billeder, eller måske ønsker man at eksperimentere med diverse figurer, farvelægning og andre helt basale ting i programmet.

Man kan desuden bruge programmet i forbindelse med Adobes andre programmer. Her vil det især være et program som InDesign og Illustrator, som er gode i sammenhæng med Photoshop. Man kan f.eks. begynde med at redigere sine billeder eller figurer i Photoshop og bruge InDesign til at lave det til et visitkort, en brochure eller måske et Facebook-cover tilpasset til en virksomheds Facebook-side. Derudover bliver programmet hyppigt brugt, når magasiner skal have redigeret billeder, hvor huden på en model måske skal finpudses og håret skal være blankt og skinnende.

Udover redigering af personbilleder, så kan man også skabe alle former for illustrationer. Adobe Photoshop bliver hyppigt benyttet inden for de fleste erhverv, som beskæftiger sig med billeder. Tatovører, YouTubere, mediedesigner og mange flere.

Photoshop kan desuden være svært at begå sig i, da der er mange forskellige funktioner, som ikke har en brugsvejledning i programmet. Det handler derfor meget om at prøve sig frem, hvis man er nybegynder i Photoshop, men der findes også tutorials på YouTube, som kan hjælpe til at forstå programmets funktioner. Derudover udbydes der mange forskellige kurser, som enten koster penge eller er gratis, hvis de f.eks. bliver udbudt af din fagforening, dit uddannelsessted eller din arbejdsplads.

Kan Photoshop erstattes af apps på smartphones?

Mange af de billedredigeringsapps, der er udviklet til smartphones, indeholder ikke alle de funktioner, som Adobe Photoshop har. Derudover kan det være nemmere, at bruge computeren, når man skal redigere billeder, da det giver et større overblik over de forskellige funktioner i programmet. Apps på smartphones kan somme tider være hurtigere at tilgå, hvis man allerede har billederne på sin smartphone. Apps på smartphones er ofte også nemmere at bruge på grund af de færre funktioner, der er tilgængelige. I sidste ende er det dog Photoshop, der bedst kan svare sig, hvis man ønsker at redigere helt ned til mindste detalje og evt. fjerne eller tilføje nogle elementer.

Det skal dog nævnes, at Adobe Photoshop i dag også findes i en version til iPad. Denne udgave kan du læse meget mere om inde på Adobes hjemmeside på dette link.

Hvorfor skal du bruge Photoshop?

Photoshop er programmet for dig, der arbejder med billeder på professionel basis og ønsker billeder i høj kvalitet, for at folk har lyst til at købe og bruge dem i magasiner, på blogs eller måske på hjemmesider.

Det kan også med fordel bruges til eksamensopgaver, hvor man selv skal lave et produkt med billeder eller figurer i høj kvalitet. Programmet kan også være til dig, der blot har interesse for Photoshops måde at redigere billeder på. Programmet kræver en del tålmodighed, hvis man er nybegynder, så det er ikke bare et program man lige lærer på én dag.

Abbonnementer og priser

Prisen på Photoshop afhænger af, hvordan man vælger at købe programmet. Fælles for alle købsmulighederne er dog, at man skal tegne et abbonnement hos Adobe. Enkeltpersoner kan købe Photoshop for 186,25 kroner om måneden eller hele Adobes Creative Cloud-pakke med alle apps for 487,50 kroner om måneden. Studerende kan få hele Creative Cloud-pakken for 151,25 kroner om måneden for det første år. Man skal dog forberede sig på, at prisen herefter stiger til 237,50 kroner om måneden.

Hvis du vil læse meget mere om de forskellige abbonnementer på Photoshop og Creative Cloud, så kan du gøre det inde på Adobes hjemmeside ved at klikke her.

Hvilke ulemper er der ved Photoshop?

Photoshop er ikke det nemmeste program at lære på grund af dets mange funktioner uden en brugsvejledning. Dette kan gøre det svært for nybegynderen, som derfor skal bruge lang tid på at lære det at kende. De mange forskellige funktioner er ikke altid lige åbenlyse i forhold til, hvad de egentlig betyder og hvordan de bliver brugt. Man bliver derfor nødt til at prøve sig frem, for at se hvordan det fungerer.

Hvis man allerede ved, at Photoshop er et program, der skal bruges til et fremtidigt job, kan det være en god idé at gå i gang med at lære at bruge det et halvt eller et helt år, før det skal bruges i professionel forstand. Det afhænger naturligvis af, hvor meget man bruger programmet på daglig basis, når man øver sig.

Prisen på programmet er også en ulempe, hvis man endnu ikke ved, om man vil bruge programmet seriøst eller ej.


Helt kort er Adobe Photoshop et program, der kan bruges af alle, hvis man har interessen og tålmodigheden til at lære det. Programmet er ikke nemt at lære for nybegynderen og har også den ulempe, at det koster en del pr. måned, hvis man ikke får rabat. Til gengæld er Photoshop et af de programmer, der bliver brugt allermest til at redigere billeder professionelt, hvilket skyldes den høje kvalitet, når først man har lært at mestre programmet.

Photoshop er endnu ikke blevet erstattet af apps på smartphones, selvom disse også ofte bliver brugt til billedredigering. Grunden til at apps ikke har erstattet Photoshop er, at de endnu ikke har så mange funktioner som Photoshop og fordi det er mere overskueligt at redigere store kamerabilleder på computeren i Photoshop. Adobe har dog også udgivet en version af Photoshop til iPad.

Programmet går desuden godt i spænd med Adobes andre programmer, som f.eks. InDesign og Illustrator, hvis man skal lave professionelt materiale til en virksomhed. Det professionelle materiale kan eksempelvis være brochurer, visitkort eller et Facebook-cover til en virksomheds Facebook-side. Det er et program, som umiddelbart ikke mangler nogle vigtige funktioner, hvis man spørger fotografen, bloggeren og amatøren.

Adobe Photoshop - Screenshots

Screenshot af Adobe PhotoshopScreenshot af Adobe Photoshop
Screenshot af Adobe PhotoshopScreenshot af Adobe Photoshop

Muligheder for download af Adobe Photoshop - Danske servere

Download Adobe Photoshop her (gratis og kontrolleret for virus)

Detaljeret information om Adobe Photoshop

  • Licens:
  • Version:
  • Tilføjet:
  • Sidst opdateret:
  • Kritikers vurdering:
    100/100 points
  • Understøtter officielt OS:
    Windows, Mac & iPadOS
  • Producent:
    Adobe Inc.
5 0 262 Adobe Photoshop
Slutbruger Licensaftale (EULA)    |    Afinstallering
ADOBE INC. End User License Agreement (EULA)

Important - Read Carefully
ADOBE INC. Software ("ADOBE INC.")
End User Software License Agreement ("EULA")
This EULA is a legally binding agreement between licensee end user (“End User”) and ADOBE INC. setting forth the terms and conditions governing the use and operation of ADOBE INC.’s proprietary computer software products (the “Software”) and the written technical specifications for the use and operation of the Software (the “Documentation”). Where the sense and context permit, references in this EULA to the Software include the Documentation. By downloading and installing, copying or otherwise using the Software, and/or otherwise accepting this EULA, End User agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this EULA. If End User does not agree to or accept the terms of this EULA, End User may not access or use the Software.

1.0 Definitions
1.1 “Fee(s)” means any License, Maintenance, professional services, consulting or other Fees agreed to by the parties as set forth in a Transaction Document.
1.2 “Maintenance” and “Maintenance Policies” have the respective meanings set forth in Section 7.0.
1.3 “Transaction” and “Transaction Document” have the following meanings: “Transaction(s)” is a License transaction pursuant to which End User: i) accepts this EULA as provided above and ii) takes actual or constructive possession of the Software. A Transaction may take place by any lawful means, electronically or in writing, and may be confirmed by a) purchase orders, credit orders, commitment letters, license keys, amendments to this EULA or other similar materials, signed or unsigned, (each a “Transaction Document(s)”), or b) by the conduct of the affected parties. A Transaction may be initiated and implemented by any entity that is directly or indirectly a party to it, including End User, ADOBE INC., or authorized third party distributors, dealers, and/or other resellers of the Software. A Transaction Document may contain usage, business, legal and other terms and conditions agreed to by the parties. The foregoing notwithstanding, each Transaction will require that: i) this EULA be accepted by End User and ii) End User obtains actual or constructive possession of the Software. In the event of a conflict or inconsistency between the terms and conditions of this EULA and those set forth in a Transaction Document, the terms and conditions of the Transaction Document will govern and control.
1.4 “Open Source” means various open source software components licensed under the terms of applicable open source license agreements included in the materials relating to such software. Open Source Software is composed of individual software components, each of which has its own copyright and its own applicable license conditions.

2.0 Grant of License
2.1 License Grant. When the Software is delivered to End User as part of a Transaction, End User will have, subject to the terms and conditions of this EULA, a perpetual, non-transferable, non-exclusive, license (“License”), to use the Software in object code format, solely for End User's internal business purposes for the management and processing of its own data and not the data of any third party(ies). ADOBE INC. Software License is perpetual, unless the Software is delivered to End User as part of a Transaction on a non-perpetual basis for a defined period, in such case, the End User’s right to use such Software will cease on the end date of the defined period.
The data processing restriction set forth in the preceding paragraph will not apply to End User if End User a) has been accepted by ADOBE INC., under “ADOBE INC. Cloud Provider Program” and b) has accessed and is utilizing the Software with a stock-keeping unit number that designates End User as a “Cloud Provider” or similar description, thus authorizing End User to utilize the Software to perform systems management services for its customers.

3.0 Additional Terms
Nothing contained in this EULA is intended to prohibit or restrict the parties from mutually agreeing to enter into separate terms and conditions that i) modify or supplement the terms and conditions (including business and/or financial terms) of this EULA or the License granted to End User pursuant to this EULA; or ii) create or modify the terms a particular Transaction.

4.0 Evaluation License
A License designated as an “Evaluation” License in a Transaction Document authorizes End User to use one (1) copy of the Software for a 30 day period for non-production evaluation or demonstration purposes only.

5.0 Not for Resale License (NFR)
A License designated as a “Not for Resale License” (NFR) License in a Transaction Document authorizes End User to use one (1) copy of the Software with full functionality for evaluation or demonstration purposes only, and for a defined period of time.

6.0 Limited Term License
A license designated as a “Limited Term” License in a Transaction Document authorizes End User to use one (1) copy of the Software in production environment at End User’s site for a defined period of time. The defined period for a “Limited Term” License commences immediately upon generation of the license key.

7.0 Maintenance
Maintenance and support (“Maintenance”) for the Software will be available in accordance with ADOBE INC.’s applicable Maintenance Policies then in effect and shall commence on delivery of the Software. Provided End User is current on Maintenance, End User will receive (a) online support and (b) any Software updates, enhancements and/or improvements that are included or otherwise separately defined under the Maintenance Policies and are not licensed by ADOBE INC. at its discretion to its customers for a separate charge.

8.0 Copyright and Other Restrictions
The Software is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The Software is licensed, not sold. The Software contains copyrighted material, trade secrets and other proprietary material of ADOBE INC.. All right, title and interest in the Software remains at all times with ADOBE INC.. In no event will End User directly or indirectly permit the Software to be decompiled, reverse engineered, or disassembled. End User will not disclose, transfer or otherwise make available the Software, or the results of any benchmark or other tests of the Software, to any third party without the prior written consent of ADOBE INC.. End User shall not remove any proprietary notices from the Software. End User may make one copy of the Software solely for backup or archival purposes.

9.0 Audit
During the term of this Agreement and for a period of one year thereafter, ADOBE INC. may, during normal business hours and upon reasonable prior notice to End User, inspect the files, computer processors, equipment and facilities of End User to verify End User's compliance with this EULA.

10.0 Limited Warranty and Limitation of Liability
ADOBE INC. warrants that it has the right and authority to grant the License under this EULA. ADOBE INC. will defend or, at its option, settle any action against End User based upon a claim that its use of the Software infringes any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right of a third party, and will indemnify End User against any amounts awarded against End User as a result of the claim, provided ADOBE INC. is promptly notified of the assertion of the claim and has control of its defense or settlement. ADOBE INC. warrants that the Software, in its unmodified form as initially delivered or made available to End User, will perform substantially in accordance with the Documentation for a warranty period of ninety (90) days from the date the Software is delivered to End User. In the event the Software fails in a material respect to operate in accordance with the Documentation during the warranty period and ADOBE INC. is unable to correct the defect, ADOBE INC.’s sole and exclusive liability and End User’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be a refund of the License fee, if any, paid by End User for the Software. In the event a reported problem with the Software is End User’s fault, End User agrees to reimburse ADOBE INC. for its correction efforts in accordance with its then standard rates. The foregoing limited warranty will not apply if failure of the Software is the result of damage or misuse caused by End User.
In no event will ADOBE INC., its affiliates, resellers, or distributors or suppliers be liable for any indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of or inability to use the Software, including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses, even if advised of the possibility thereof.

11.0 Assignment
Except in the event of a sale or transfer by ADOBE INC. of all or substantially all of its assets or voting securities, neither party will assign all or any portion of its rights or obligations under this EULA to any third party without the prior written consent of the other party.

12.0 U.S. Government End Users
Use, duplication, or disclosure of the Software to or by the U. S. Government is subject to the provisions and restrictions as set forth in FAR 52.227-14 and FAR 52.227-19, or equivalent restrictions and provisions as set forth in DFAR 252.227-7013 and DFAR 252.227-7014.

13.0 General
This Agreement sets forth ADOBE INC.'s entire obligation and End User’s exclusive rights with respect to the Software and, except to the extent otherwise specifically provided in a purchase order or other written communication or advertising signed or jointly issued by both parties with respect to the Software, supersedes any conflicting terms of any purchase order and any other communication or advertising with respect to the Software. No failure of either party to exercise or enforce any of its rights under this EULA will act as a waiver of those rights. If any provision of this EULA is found illegal or unenforceable, it will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible, and the legality and enforceability of the other provisions of this EULA will not be affected. This EULA will be governed by the laws of the State of Ohio, without regard to its choice of law principles. The United Nations Convention for the International Sale of Goods will not apply.

14.0 Export Controls
The Software is subject to U.S. Export Administration Regulations. ADOBE INC. prohibits any export or re-export of ADOBE INC. Software products, services, or technical data to any destinations subject to U.S. embargoes or trade sanctions, except in compliance with the United States Export Administration Act and the related rules and regulations and similar non-U.S. government restrictions, if applicable. End User agrees not to use or make available the Software to or on behalf of any person that is a citizen, national, or resident of, or that is controlled by the government of the countries with which the U.S. may prohibit export transactions. The following countries are subject to the United States embargo or restricted trade cd sanctions: Burma (Myanmar), Cuba, Iran, North Korea, the Republic of South Sudan, the Republic of the Sudan, Syria, or any other country with which the United States may prohibit export transactions.

Afinstallering af Adobe Photoshop

Hvis du på et tidspunkt skulle ønske at afinstallere Adobe Photoshop fra din computer igen, så kan du her se, hvordan du kan gøre dette:
  1. Åben kontrolpanelet i Windows
  2. Vælg “Tilføj/Fjern programmer”
  3. Find Adobe Photoshop, markér det og vælg “Afinstaller”
  4. Følg nu processen
Skulle Adobe Photoshop være blevet beskadiget og svært at fjerne manuelt, så kan vi anbefale dig at finde hjælp til afinstallering her.